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Categoría: Noticias
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Ulrich: «Sin St Anger no habría Death Magnetic»
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Mike Wengren (Disturbed): «Le hemos dado a la industria lo que buscaba desesperadamente»
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Filtración carcelaria
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Radiografiando la esperanza

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Las ilusiones de Staind
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Reina de los monos
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Cradle Of Filth, Static X, Ventana, Skindred
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Metallica, United Nations, Tub Ring
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Versiones odiosas para 2009
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Cornell siempre al mando
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El rastro del festival
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¿Nuevo combustible para el zepelin?
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Spylacopa, Terror Syndrome, Depswa, Forty Foot Echo
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Metallica, Jerry Finn, The Bronx, Homenaje a Layne Staley
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Fiesta sorpresa
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Fiestas de sexo y rosas
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Aterrizaje forzoso
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Ulrich: «Death Magnetic es el mejor álbum que hayamos podido hacer»
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Wes Borland compaginará Black Light Burns con Marilyn Manson
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Lacuna Coil, Metallica, AC/DC
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Ilusión truncada
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Pelícano adicto al trabajo
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United Nations, Snot, Dredg, Thursday – Envy
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Acusan a Slipknot de ser los responsables de un asesinato
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Chris Cornell, All That Remains, Metallica, Taproot
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Rezos sin drogas
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Disparo en el pie
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Kurt Cobain detestaba a Axl Rose
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Felicidad y folklore
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Gojira, Slipknot, These Arms Are Snakes – Pelican
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Metallica, Dave Matthews Band, Disturbed
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